Parent Speak

“CIS has always been a special place where children are encouraged to find their wings and be who they are meant to be. Each child is treated like an independent individual and his/her weaknesses are addressed and strengths honed. The non-threatening environment allows children to blossom and develop the many different facets of their personality.”

Tina Servaia

“I remember CIS as a small and beautiful school located at Lee Road. Students were encouraged to work hard and a high scholastic benchmark was set. My children (Young Chan and Sung Chang) got the opportunity for a balanced development, as the school helped them hone both their academic and physical skills. They got the best of facilities and faculty in middle and high school. I would like to thank all the teachers without whom, they could not have achieved what they have in life. Very soon, Young Chan will be a doctor and Sung Chang, a dentist, and they owe it all to CIS.”

Dr. Jung Kyong Kim (a CIS parent)